Our Mission & Our Values

Padma Pura Foundation (Stichting Padma Pura) is a Dutch non-profit foundation established in 2020. The purpose and goal of the foundation is to preserve and promote the Tibetan Buddhist tradition by providing teachings and practices in Tibetan Buddhism to the general public. The charitable aims of the foundation are to provide education for underprivileged children and to improve and promote the health and well-being of the elderly;


The foundation aims to achieve this goal by focusing its attention on the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, especially the Dudjom Tersar tradition (Tib. བདུད་འཇོམས་གཏེར་གསར་, Wyl. bdud ‘joms gter gsar, The New Treasures of Dudjom tradition) in particular and to allow Dutch society to reap the benefits of the wisdom and knowledge of the Tibetan Buddhist practices and traditions in general. 


To this end, the foundation is involved in organising (cultural/spiritual) events, activities and meetings and providing information about these activities through various forms of media including social media. The foundation also cooperates with various relevant organizations and institutions; offers advice and/or guidance and engages in further activities which are conducive, and/or desirable to its aims, subject to the approval of its Board. 

Our Spiritual Director

Lama Tenzin Samphel

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Lama Tenzin Samphel was born in the Himalayan region in 1961. He is the son of Tsering Dakpa and Tsetan Yangtsom, fervent practitioners who left Tibet after the Chinese invasion. He began his monastic studies at the monastery of Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche in Orissa, India, He trained under the authority of the greatest masters of the Nyingma school: Kyabjé Dudjom Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche, Chadral Rinpoche, Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche and studied and put into practice all the cycles of Dudjom Tersar and Yangti Nagpo as well as the Longchen Nyingthig.

In 1987, at the request of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche, Lama Tenzin went to France, to the center of Urgyen Samye Chöling, in Dordogne as a representative of Dungsey Shenphen Dawa Rinpoche, son of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche. On the advice and encouragement of Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche and under the authority of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dudjom Sangyum Rigzin Wangmo and Shenpen Dawa Rinpoche, Lama Tenzin established the Shedup Kunsang Choling Buddhist center and after a traditional ritual ceremony, he was entrusted with spiritual authority by Khetsun Zangpo Rinpoche. Lama Tenzin has resided there since 2002 and gives teachings and initiations, and guides with great kindness a large number of disciples on the path of Dharma.


Lama Tenzin Samphel also gives teachings at the invitation of the centers of Urgyen Samye Chöling, in Dordogne, Orgyen Chö Dzong and Yeshé Nyingpo in New York, California, and Colorado, Dawn Mountain Temple, in Housten, Texas and Padma Pura in The Netherlands. Lama Tenzin also is a visiting researcher at Rice University, USA. Lama Tenzin Samphel, taught for 8 years at Inalco in Paris, he contributed and participated in research, within the university, in the field of Tibetology. He speaks French and English, but also, in addition to Tibetan, his native language, Hindi and Nepalese. 

All the people who had the great fortune to approach him were able to appreciate his listening skills, his kindness, his patience, his simplicity, his great availability and his deep knowledge and experience of the Dharma.

Our Padma Pura Board

Pepijn Hinten - White

Co-Founder, Treasurer, Webmaster, Media &Design.

Misja Spoelstra

Co-Founder, Secretary, Transcription.

Seline Hinten - White

Communications, Charitable Fundraising, Legal Advisor.